Friday, April 16, 2010

on being old...

My husband took me to a Taylor Swift concert last night. This is where I realized that I am old. Gone are the days when screaming at the top of my lungs for 3 hours straight sounds like fun. I was done with the noise level about 5 minutes after we arrived and by the end of the night I just wanted to scream "SHUT UP!" Also the fact that the average age in the room was probably 11. Which just makes you feel like you accidently stepped back into junior high. Although I guess I should have expected as much. My only concelation is that with 7 years seperating us my husband is older!

Another note: I am so tired today from staying out so late that my child is in the other room emptying our entire dvd collection onto the floor and I am trying to care enough to stop him.... Nope too tired, I'm old.

1 comment:

  1. LOL! This is awesome! I know how you feel--concerts are so over rated--and I even LOVE taylor swift, but I don't think I could have endured that!
