Friday, August 13, 2010

on things that ARE great...

This post was originally going to be entitled things that seem great... at first, and I was going to list all of the things through motherhood that you spend your time looking forward to and then it happens and you wonder why you were excited for it. Things like...

-when you are first pregnant and you are so excited to get all cute and round so you can wear pregnancy clothes and look pregnant.
(all of the mothers out there can now laugh at the ridiculousness of that statement, however we all felt it at first) and then we got our wish and suddenly you are gigantic and you realize just how good you had it when you didn't have to wear elastic waist pants. 

-or when you lay in bed being kicked to death from the inside and you thought "I can't wait till this kid comes out because I am sure that I will sleep better"
OH how wrong you are! Dealing with a baby at 3 am get old REALLY fast, and suddenly you find yourself wishing you could put it back in for just one night so you could sleep.

-or when your blessedly still child gets frustrated because he cannot move and keeps accidentally batting the toys just out of his grasp and you think "I cannot wait until he is mobile and can get the things he wants by himself"
And then he becomes mobile and insists upon hovering dangerously close to all the sharp corners in your home and you long for the days when he was stuck wherever you placed him.

-or when your child starts walking
This is perhaps the shortest moment of excitement in a mother's life. You shout for joy exactly one time and then you realize that your life is now over.

I had planned to put the following event on this list as well, but I changed my mind and then had to change the post as well...

-when the first time your child says "mama" is followed closely by the 5,000th time they say "mama"
I had heard and envisioned being so excited when my baby finally said mama and then being completely sick of hearing it as my child repeated the name endlessly all day and night.

and then my child waited a full 15 months to say it and although he has probably said mama a million times this week alone, I STILL LOVE IT! My little mother's heart just about bursts with pride and joy when I hear him call my name. Perhaps it is because I had to wait so long, perhaps it is because he has always preferred "dada" and has said so since he was 7 months old. I don't know but I still can't get enough of it.

I think it partially has to do with the way he says "mama." See dad is the fun one who throws him up in the air and tackles him to the ground so "dada" is usually said in excitement as he is running full tilt away from his father who is inevitably chasing him. Whereas "mama" is said in his sweet soft little voice. It is usually said when he needs comfort and almost always comes with a hug or a kiss. On that note it is "mama" that he calls for when he wakes up in the night. And I have to say that although I am a stickler for his bedtime routine and being all business when dealing with him in the night. But nothing breaks my heart and sends me running into his room like hearing him cry for "mama".

Other things that are as great as they seem...

-your baby's smile and laugh

-watching them learn and understand things

-having them be able to communicate with you and tell you what they want instead of whining

-watching your baby experience new things especially things that you did as a child


-getting a hug and kiss

-when they are interested in watching tv. I know that nominates me for mother of the year but it is so true!

I know this one needs some explaining.
perhaps I should have said labor with an epidural.
After labor I remember holding my new little baby and turning to my husband and saying "that wasn't bad at all." Now that's not saying that it didn't hurt, especially before the epidural which is why I will be asking for one immediately upon entering the hospital next time. But there is something very empowering about bringing a child into the world. And then I look at this sweet little guy in my arms and thought "wow! I did that!" Plus you get a baby out of it so it is pretty great.


  1. Following you from Follow Me Wednesday. Please follow back.

  2. Oh how true all of this is! Love the part about how we think we'll sleep better after the baby is born! Ha! Great big fat HA!
    Following you through a Wednesday blog hop! I just saw one of your posts that said something about having 8 kids. I have got to see what that is all about!!!

  3. You know what's funny, or maybe a little sad? I actually do look forward to maternity clothes. Apparently I have way more of them then regular ones anyways. =) Not to mention I can always justify a few more. ;-) HA !
